Providing fireworks as a special effect for TV & film productions is very different from putting on firework displays – we know this because we have a separate division providing firework displays and a retail firework shop. www.quicksilverfireworks.co.uk
As a special effect, the safety distances are often reduced with specific sequences being required many times over to allow for takes from different angles.
With licensed storage for over 10 tonnes, we are able to provide the fireworks to suit most effects direct from our stock and therefore not needing to make the job fit the fireworks. We also stock a wide range of dummy fireworks (safe for actors to handle) which can be fitted with live fuses where necessary (allowing the firework to be lit, but not to go off).
Quicksilver can also provide (and maintain a stock of) many of the fireworks restricted under recent firework legislation eg. Bangers, Airbombs, Chinese crackers, aerial shells etc.
Buy Fireworks Online
You can also buy fireworks online via our online shop www.tvandfilmsupplies.co.uk.